Sunday, August 31, 2008


Daily Management

Daily Management also involves assuring the quality of the service or product provided by the work unit. This operates as follows:
· The work unit systematically rejects incoming non-quality (from suppliers).
· The work unit makes sure it does produce non-quality (caused by poor process control).
· The work unit refuses to deliver non-quality to its customers

Continuous improvement ( or “Kaizen”) concerns the whole company, starting with operational staff. Overall, the scope for company improvement is vast, but it is composed of very many individual spheres of activity. At this individual scale, nobody is better placed to improve working methods that the person responsible for doing the work. Each staff member should be fully aware that he or she has two fundamental missions to accomplish:

· Perform the allotted tasks meticulously
· Constantly seek ways to improve working methods
· Lasting company success depends heavily on this constant quest for better, safer, and more realistic working methods.

Specifically, this quest will address the following goals:
· Fewer accidents, defects and customer complaints
· Lower work-in-progress levels and shorter lead-times
· Better service, higher productivity, increased sales volumes, etc.

The concept of progress is applicable to all activities throughout the company and is expressed in simple terms: staff are asked to think of simple, straightforward ways for working better, cheaper, faster and easier. The first three of these factors correspond to the three sides of the classic “QCD triangle”(Quality, Cost and Delivery).

Project Management

Please use tools like MS Project for achieving first class performance during planning and implementation of projects in the areas of maintenance, expansion and operations including marketing and fund management.

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